• Define Your Ideal Client

    Painting a picture of WHO is your ideal client requires defining what they look like. Define Your Ideal Client identifies the ideal characteristics and behaviors, highlights who is and who is not a fit, and discusses comparing potential and existing clients to ideal criteria.

  • Find Your Ideal Client

    Not only do you need to identify what your ideal client looks like, you need to be able to find them. Examine where to potentially find your ideal client enabling you to build relationships with the people that are interested in what you have to offer.

  • Validate and Refine

    Does your ideal client want what you have to offer? Can you find them where you thought? Confirm that your focus and ideal client match because there is a dialectic relationship between your focus and ideal client requiring you to adjust and modify your thoughts.


Determine Your Focus - Define and Find Your Ideal Client - Validate - Refine and Restate

    1. Whom Do You Serve? Introduction with Laura

    2. Whom Do You Serve? Objectives and Outcome

    3. General Module Instructions and Information

    4. List of Ideal Client Workbooks and Supporting Documents

    5. Before we begin (Optional)

    1. Ideal Client Overview

    2. What is an Ideal Client Workbook

    3. Ideal Client Defined

    4. The Impact of Knowing

    5. What is... Quiz (Optional)

    1. Identify Your Ideal Client Overview

    2. Identify Your Ideal Client Workbook

    3. Ideal Client Characteristics and Behaviors

    4. Three (3) Characteristics and Behaviors Examples

    5. What? A Bad Client?

    6. Perfect Fit? Or Not a Fit?

    7. FAQ-Can you clarify how Core Values and Strengths Impact Ideal Client Criteria

    8. Identify Your Ideal Client Quiz (Optional)

    1. Find Your Client Overview

    2. Find Your Ideal Client Workbook

    3. Where Can I Find Them

    4. Find Your Ideal Client Quiz (Optional)

    1. Evaluate Your Clients Overview

    2. Evaluate Your Ideal Client Workbook

    3. Evaluate Your Clients

    4. Evaluate Your Clients Quiz (Optional)

    1. Validate, Modify and Validate Again Overview

    2. Validate Your Ideal Client Workbook and Checklist

    3. With Whom to Connect

    4. The Approach

    5. Ask for the Meeting

    6. Interview Questions

    7. The Interview and Analysis

    8. Validate, Modify and Validate Quiz (Optional)

Identify and Find Your Ideal Client and then Validate their Interest.